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Gerenciamento de Resíduo Sólido: Assentamento Sumaré II, Sumaré-SP

O meio rural nÃo à mais um espaÃo onde sÃo desenvolvidas atividades exclusivamente agrÃcolas, jà que, tem passado por intensas mudanÃas, que induzem a pluriatividade, fazendo com que o espaÃo seja tido como um continuum da zona urbana. Estas mudanÃas que assemelham o rural do urbano trazem, a reboque desta reestruturaÃÃo, mazelas hà muito discutidas e pouco solucionadas, das âcidadesâ, como uso e ocupaÃÃo do solo de maneira desregrada, ausÃncia de saneamento bÃsico, entre outras. A respeito do saneamento, o Gerenciamento Integrado de ResÃduo SÃlido ainda à uma realidade bem distante, para as comunidades rurais, mesmo para aquelas juntas Ãs zonas urbanas. Desta forma, ...

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  • Category: Handout or Class Script
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  • Downloads: 921
  • Visits: 6.453

Aprendizado e memória

Esse trabalho à resultante de notas de aula da disciplina de sistemas de memÃria (ministrada por mim) do curso de pÃs-graduaÃÃo em neuropsicologia na Faculdade de CiÃncias MÃdicas da Unicamp. Por ser voltado a um pÃblico heterogÃneo, os tÃpicos foram abordados separadamente em um nÃvel de complexidade acessÃvel a um leitor nÃo especialista. O texto traz definiÃÃes sobre os sistemas de memÃria, o conteÃdo emocional e suas implicaÃÃes no comportamento, alÃm da funÃÃo do sono no processo de consolidaÃÃo de memÃrias.

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  • Downloads: 204
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A MudanÃa ClimÃtica Global, representa um dos maiores desafios da humanidade contemporÃnea, a qual sustenta seu grau de desenvolvimento graÃas as constantes emissÃes de CO2 e CH4, entre outros gazes contribuintes do Efeito Estufa, exigindo assim uma imediata mudanÃa nos hÃbitos de consumo e comportamento de sociedades inteiras. Este trabalho, tem como proposta promover o levantamento de informaÃÃes e aÃÃes que comprovem o sequestro de carbono atmosfÃrico como estratÃgia de combate e reduÃÃo ao Efeito Estufa.

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  • Category: Thesis or Monograph
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  • Downloads: 176
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ApÃs a realizaÃÃo de uma pesquisa de interesse, o curso a distÃncia BioquÃmica da NutriÃÃo foi elaborado e oferecido em 2000, para alunos de graduaÃÃo da Universidade de SÃo Paulo (USP) e Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) que contemplam disciplina de BioquÃmica BÃsica na grade curricular. Os resultados da pesquisa mostraram que o interesse nÃo se limita a alunos das duas instituiÃÃes citadas, mas estende-se a estudantes e profissionais de todo paÃs. Esta observaÃÃo despertou o interesse em reestruturar o curso para ser oferecido a um pÃblico maior e mais diversificado. Em se tratando de uma iniciativa inÃdita, fez-se necessÃria a anÃlise do uso de novas tecno...

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Sapphire-spangled Emerald (Amazilia lactea)

Length: 9,5cm Identification: the back is bright green, the tail and part of the wings are dark blue. The throat and the chest is sapphire-blue. The belly is white and there is a white line splitting the chest. The two sexes look alike. It is one of the main pollinators of several plant species, including some introduced ones. It is territorialist and visit the flowering patches at predictable times. It explores even the lowest flowers. This hummingbird usually explores feeders where it fights against the bananaquits ( Coereba flaveola ) and the swallow-tailed hummingbird ( Eupetomena macroura ). The bow-shaped nest usually shelters two eggs.

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  • Downloads: 539
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Chestnut-capped Blackbird ( Chrysomus (Agelaius) ruficapillus )

Physical appearance: 17,5 cm. The male is bluish black with the forehead and chest chestnut. The female is olive brown streaked in brown in the upper parts. The immature is brown and striated. Distribution: Eastern South America from French Guyana to northern Argentina and as far west as Mato Grosso and eastern Bolivia. Habitat: Lives in humid grasslands, wetlands and ponds. Diet: Feeds mainly on insects and seeds, but also on fruits. Reproduction: Often nests in groups. The nest is built in a fork of a tree. Both male and female build the nest watering the material before using it. The nest is a deep basket. Natural history: The vocalization is melodic and commonly the predomi...

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Brazilian Duck ( Amazonetta brasiliensis )

Physical appearance: 40 cm. The feet are red and webbed. The chest is brown, as well as the face that is a bit darker. There is a patch of iridescent feathers in the wings. When flying it shows a large white spot at the back of the wing. The male has a red beak and the femaleâs is blue. The Female also has white spots on the face. Distribution: From Venezuela to Argentina. Habitat: Wetlands, lakes, ponds and rivers even in polluted places. Diet: Feeds on seeds, leaves and small invertebrates. The hatchlings are goot at catching insects. Reproduction: Lays up to 14 bluish or greenish eggs. When the adult realizes the presence of a potential predator it distracts its attenti...

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Grassland Sparrow ( Ammodramus humeralis )

Physical appearence: 12cm. The upper parts are grayish with black and ferruginous stripes The chest is light brown with spots in the immature. There are yellow ribbons above the eyes and in the wings. The coloration may change when it is dirty due to contact with earth. Distribution: The Grassland Sparrow is found east of the Andes from Colombia to central Argentina but is missing from the Amazon Basin upstream from the TapajÃs river. Habitat: Dry fields with grass, cerrado and crops. Diet: Feeds on grains and small insects. Reproduction: During the breeding season they live in pairs in a territory defended by the male. The nest is opened and placed on the ground. The eggs are ...

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  • Downloads: 462
  • Visits: 17.845

Green-backed, Striated or Little Heron ( Butorides striata (triatus) )

Physical appearance: 36 cm. The legs are short and yellow. The body is predominantly grey, darker in the back. The top of the head is black. The immature is striated and brownish. Distribution: American Continent, Africa, Asia, Australia and islands in the Pacific. Habitat: Rivers, lakes and mangroves of different sizes. Diet: Aquatic insects, mollusks, amphibians, reptiles and fish. Reproduction: The nest is a platform on the top of tall trees. Lays three eggs. Natural history: Solitary and migratory. There are saw-like structures inside the beak to help holding slippery food. May be eaten by carnivorous fish such as the trahiras (Hoplias sp.) when walking on flooded land....

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Little Nightjar ( Caprimulgus parvulus )

Length: 20cm Identification: nightjars are always very difficult to identify as they are nocturnal birds, rarely seen during the day due to their camouflage. On the other hand there are few species inhabitting urban areas and among these the little nightjar is usually the smallest and with the lightest color pattern. Distribution: it is distributed through all the South American countries east to the Andes. Habitat: occurs in a wide range of ecosystems, but is specially common in forest edges surrounded by crops and wetlands. This nightjar spends the whole day quiet and very well camouflaged on the ground and thus is rarely seen at daylight. It only flies during the day ...

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Bananaquit ( Coereba flaveola )

Physical appearance: 11 cm. The upper parts are dark and the inferior parts yellow. There is a white bar in the supercilium. The females are smaller than the males. The immature individuals have grey belly and do not have the bar above the eye. Distribution: From Mexico to Chile. Habitat: Inhabits various environments provided there is plenty of trees and flowers. Diet: Feeds mainly on nectar. Also eats insects. Visits hummingbird feeders. Reproduction: Builds two kinds of nest. A breeding one that is compact with thick walls and a resting nest made of leaves, grass and spider webs. Lays two or three white eggs. Only the female incubates. The male helps feeding the brood with i...

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Green-barred Woodpecker ( Colaptes melanochloros )

Physical appearance: 26 cm. The upper parts are green, somewhat yellow, barred in black. The inferior parts are buffy or white, also barred. The tail and the top of the head are black. The male has a red spot below the eye while in the female this spot is black. Distribution: From Eastern Amazon to Uruguay and Argentina. Habitat: Forest borders, gallery and secondary forests, woods and parks in cities. Diet: Feeds on ants and insect larva, mainly beetles. Also eats fruits. Reproduction: After courtship the couple builds a nest inside an old tree, sometimes palm trees and others. The nest is generally downwards, avoiding the water when it rains. Two to four eggs are laid and the ...

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